3 Tips to Market and Promote Your Conscious or Wellness Brand
By Jessica Alex
Although the traditional sense of marketing a business applies to all brands, the way in which you market your brand depends on what type of brand you are marketing because what your target market and target audience needs or values will differ. (Click here to jump ahead to the definition of marketing.)
If you own a conscious or wellness brand, there are certain standards to market and promote your business that differs from other types of brands.
If you may be wondering what's the big deal, and what makes the conscious and wellness markets so special, let's start by talking numbers.
In 2021, McKinsey & Company estimated that “the global wellness market [is] at more than $1.5 trillion, with annual growth of 5 to 10 percent.”[1]
![In 2021, McKinsey & Company estimated that “the global wellness market [is] at more than $1.5 trillion, with annual growth of 5 to 10 percent.”](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/97485a_a3ce00e02dad457abdf2e13da381c78d~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_513,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/97485a_a3ce00e02dad457abdf2e13da381c78d~mv2.jpg)
More and more businesses are looking to tap into this lucrative market, with plenty of competition already in play.
So how do you attract conscious and wellness consumers, especially with competition popping up at every turn?
For starters, you have to tap into the hearts and minds of your ideal consumer –– and understand that the wellness and conscious consumer is very savvy.
The conscious and wellness consumer is more aware of what they are putting on their body and in their body. They care about the ingredients in products and how products are manufactured. They may be willing to spend more knowing that they are doing good for themselves, the planet and the greater community. When companies hear this, they may immediately see dollar signs, but stepping into this space and staying in the good graces of the conscious consumer involves making more conscious decisions to create your product and market your brand.
Now, let’s pause and take a moment to examine what it means to market your brand.
“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

The key word is value. When marketing your product and brand to the conscious consumer, you have to tap into what is valuable to them, as well as provide value to them.
With that in mind, here are 3 tips to help market and promote your conscious or wellness brand.
1. Be transparent about your products and practices
Be honest about how “green” you are, what your ingredients are, where and how you source your ingredients (e.g. is it fair trade?). Also be transparent about your social responsibility initiatives and support causes that you genuinely care about.
2. Practice what you preach
For instance, if you say that your brand supports diversity, show diversity in your marketing, but also in your hiring practices. If you say you're “green,” use green, eco-friendly packaging and manufacturing practices.
3. Share the good news
Don't be shy! Share the good news about all the good things your brand is up to. For instance, share on your social media, your website, and where applicable, your packaging about your impactful initiatives. Whether it’s recycled or biodegradable packaging or a percentage of your profits going towards a good cause, let it be known to your prospective buyers and conscious consumers!
Bottomline: In order to market to the savvy, conscious consumer you've got to understand them and their specific needs. What is valuable to them?
Remember to use these 3 tips to help market and promote your conscious or wellness brand:
1. Be transparent and honest where you stand and with your practices
2. Practice what you preach and
3. Don't be afraid to share about the positive initiatives your brand partakes in!
1. Callaghan, Shaun, Lösch, Martin, Pione, Anna and Teichner, Warren. "Feeling good: The future of the $1.5 trillion wellness market." McKinsey & Company. April 8, 2021. https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/feeling-good-the-future-of-the-1-5-trillion-wellness-market