Jessica Alex Marketing
Mar 8, 2018
Five Ways Social Media has Changed Public Relations
Written by Contributor Lisa Day Times have changed for public relations (PR) professionals looking to get their messages out to an...
Jessica Alex Marketing
Feb 14, 2018
How to Write a Compelling Press Release or Media Pitch Journalists Will Actually Read
Written by Contributor Lisa Day With shrinking newsrooms and fewer journalists, how can public relations (PR) and communications...

Jessica Alex Marketing
Feb 2, 2018
Archived Media Coverage
Want to see our past media coverage? Look no further! Here's a list of where our clients have been featured: 2017 Enza Carnide - The Lizy...

Jessica Alex Marketing
Jan 31, 2018
Helping Your Organization's Marketing Success for 2018
Photo: Pexels It has always been my goal to create value for people. So I started this year thinking, how can I add more value to people...